Saint Pierre Reunion has discovered Olive Wood
Journey to the heart of the town of Saint Pierre Reunion has discovered Olive Wood,
a neighborhood located on the heights of the city, on the same cross road
connecting the Paradise Line. In the center of Bois d'Olive, not really shopping.
We find small shops, bars, hair salons, garages, Olive Wood is booming: Secondary School
primary schools, kindergartens, nurseries, home Albert Barbot.
Great businesses when they are to close. To visit this area of ​​St.
Pierre, public transport will run daily, with rotations of around 30 minutes.
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Larényion lé tèrla! News to day in Reunion Island !
Saint Pierre ma ville : Découverte de Bois d'Olives. Baster les hauts ou les bas pas,
vraiment de grand changement si ce n'est qu Ã
quelques dizaines de mètres de séparations avec la même, configuration..
Saint Pierre my city: Discovering Bois d'Olives. Baster high or low not really much
change except that a few tens of meters of separation with the same, configuration.